B&VIIT Eye Center is a state-of-the-art ophthalmic clinic in Korea, renowned for its excellence in vision correction surgeries. With over three decades of experience, the clinic has successfully performed surgeries on more than 500,000 eyes.
B&VIIT Eye Center is providing their services in multiple languages:
- English
- Chinese
- Korean
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B&VIIT Eye Center reviews & ratings
out of 5. Based on 5 review
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Elysia Gartner
United Kingdom
I had the best experience at this clinic for my eye surgery. Their in house english interpreter Park Alice was an amazing help in making the process seamless and easy to understand every step of the way. The clinic is very clean and professional, not to mention extremely efficient. I did my consultation at surgery in the same day. As far as my surgery, I was recommended and received the Smile surgery as well as Cross Linking (due to my thinner corneas) and my vision went from -1.75 to 20/17! The recovery was super smooth and fast and all of the instructions are clear and easy to follow. I could see perfectly the next day. I highly recommend everyone to go to this clinic. Thank you for changing my life for the better B&VIIT !
27 April, 2023
Timothy Little
United Kingdom
Came here for corrective eye surgery. The facility provides all the necessary tests on the premises. The translators were great and the whole process was like clockwork. They made what would normally seem scary and daunting seem like not a big deal. They also provided all the necessary paperwork for insurance reimbursement.
07 February, 2023
maria jooyoung
Service incroyable - j‘ai eu un rdv en une semaine, 2,5h de tests le premier jour et j’étais opérée le lendemain. Alice m’a accueillit et a traduit du coréen à l’anglais, Dr Choi parlait aussi parfaitement anglais. La docteure m’a recommandé l’opération Lasik bien que je sois éligible pour l’opération Smile (plus couteuse).
L’opération est très rapide et mes yeux étaient douloureux seulement pendant une heure après l’opération. Les médicaments permettant un bon rétablissement sont fournis par la clinique.
Je me suis sentie en sécurité et très bien prise en charge
Meilleure décision de ma vie
04 December, 2022
B&VIIT Eye Center Treatments & Price

Smart Lenses
Price on request

Price on request

Cataract Surgery
Price on request

Panretinal Photocoagulation
Price on request

Eye Specialist Consultation
Price on request
Learn more about B&VIIT Eye Center
Services & Premises

About Us
B&VIIT Eye Center is a leading ophthalmic clinic in Korea, renowned for its success in vision correction surgeries. With over 30 years of experience, the clinic has successfully treated over half a million eyes.
B2 GT타워 411 서초대로 Korea, 서초구 서울특별시 South Korea
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