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Explore Top Oncology Clinics

Oncology is the branch of medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of cancer. Cancer is a disease characterized by abnormal cell growth and spread. Oncologists are responsible for the care of cancer patients. These specialists also guide them through various treatment options and supporting patient's overall well-being.

Top rated doctors & clinics in Oncology

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Oncology Clinics

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top oncology clinics

  • What are the hardest cancers to cure?

    Pancreatic, liver, brain, and lung cancers are often challenging. However, factors like growth rate, metastasis, and treatment resistance influence difficulty.

  • What cancers can be fully cured?

    Some cancers, like testicular, thyroid, Hodgkin lymphoma, prostate, breast, and non-melanoma skin cancers, have high cure rates, especially when detected early.

  • How many cancer stages are there?

    Cancer has 4 stages. Stage I is small and localized, while Stage IV indicates it has spread to distant areas. Stage II involves a larger tumor or nearby lymph node involvement, and Stage III indicates further spread to nearby tissues or nodes.

  • What happens when you get chemotherapy?

    Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to kill cancer cells. It can cause side effects like hair loss, nausea, fatigue, and mouth sores.

  • Can cancer be detected in blood test?

    Yes, some cancers can be detected through blood tests, like tumor markers or abnormal cell counts, but they're usually combined with other diagnostic methods for confirmation.

Explore Top Oncology Clinics