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Explore Top Immunotherapy Clinics

Immunotherapy strengthens the immune system to fight cancer, autoimmune diseases, and infections naturally. With fewer side effects and lasting benefits, immunotherapy is transforming healthcare and offering new hope to patients worldwide.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Immunotherapy Clinics

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top immunotherapy clinics

  • Can immunotherapy cure stage 4 cancer?

    Immunotherapy can help control or shrink stage 4 cancer, but a complete cure is rare. It can extend survival and improve quality of life, especially in cancers like melanoma and lung cancer.

  • Who qualifies for immunotherapy?

    Patients with certain cancers (like melanoma, lung, and bladder cancer), autoimmune diseases, or severe allergies may qualify for immunotherapy. Eligibility depends on factors like cancer type, stage, biomarkers, and overall health.

  • How long does immunotherapy stay in your system?

    Immunotherapy can stay in your system for weeks to months after treatment. Its effects on the immune system can last even longer, sometimes providing ongoing protection.

  • What are the worst side effects of immunotherapy?

    The worst side effects of immunotherapy include fatigue, skin rashes, diarrhea, fever, and autoimmune reactions affecting healthy tissues.

  • Can immunotherapy make cancer worse?

    In rare cases, immunotherapy can cause tumor growth or worsen cancer, especially if the immune system attacks healthy tissues instead.

Explore Top Immunotherapy Clinics