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Explore HRI - Hair Regrowth Injections

Hair Regrowth Injections (HRI), commonly referred to as hair fillers or hair loss injections, include a variety of treatments. These variety of treatments stimulate hair growth. The most recognized forms are Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections and cortisone injections.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore HRI - Hair Regrowth Injections

Browse frequently asked questions about explore hri - hair regrowth injections

  • Can steroid injections cause hair loss?

    They use cortisone injections to treat certain types of hair loss.  These typically do not cause hair loss. However, misuse or overuse can lead to skin thinning and other side effects.

  • How many hairs regrow in a day?

    Hair regrowth varies greatly among people. However, the average rate is about 0.5 inches per month, not typically measured by daily regrowth.

  • Can you get injections to make your hair grow?

    Yes, they use PRP and cortisone injections to promote hair growth in certain conditions.

  • Do hair growth injections work?

    Yes, for many patients, hair growth injections like PRP can be effective in promoting hair growth. Especially when used for conditions like androgenetic alopecia.

  • How many hair loss cortisone injections are needed to see results?

    Typically, 2 to 4 cortisone injections are needed, spaced a few weeks apart, to see noticeable results for hair loss. However, the number may vary depending on the severity of the condition and individual response.

Explore HRI - Hair Regrowth Injections