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Explore Top Acne Treatment in London

Acne treatment is more than just clearing up breakouts. It’s about reclaiming your skin’s health and boosting your confidence. With options ranging from topical creams and prescription medications to advanced therapies like chemical peels, laser treatments, and microneedling, there’s a solution for every skin type and severity level.

Top rated doctors & clinics in Acne Treatment

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    United Kingdom, London


    TreatDirect’s UK based, GMC registered Doctors provide the fastest solution for diagnosis and treatment of acne with all tests and products delivered direct to your door. As a virtual service, you can have your video consultation from the comfort of your home at a time you choose. We are able to treat mild to severe acne with specialist products and medications normally only available from the NHS, without the need for a referral from your GP or delay for an appointment. We are CQC registered and all medications are dispensed by a UK registered pharmacy.

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    United Kingdom, London

    Aesthetic Medispa Clinic

    The Aesthetic MediSpa Clinic, led by the renowned Dr. Gammell and her expert team, is now open to address your skin concerns with top-notch treatments. Our clinic specializes in a wide range of skin issues, including acne and acne scarring, age spots and sun damage, ageing and tired skin, pigmentation, and thread veins. At The Aesthetic MediSpa Clinic, we combine advanced techniques with personalized care to deliver exceptional results. Trust our experienced professionals to rejuvenate your skin and enhance your natural beauty. Discover the difference with our state-of-the-art treatments tailored to your unique needs. Book your consultation today and experience the transformation at The Aesthetic MediSpa Clinic.

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    United Kingdom, London

    Clinica London

    Clinica London, a top ophthalmology and dermatology clinic, is situated in London's esteemed Harley Street. Child and adult patients receive specialized care from a team of seven ophthalmology consultants and a medical dermatologist. The clinic offers treatment for various eye conditions such as cataract, glaucoma, retinal problems, strabismus, amblyopia, eyelid ptosis, chalazion, and other eye-related issues. The oculoplastic surgeon also performs cosmetic eyelid surgery and tear trough filler treatment. Ms Jennifer Crawley, the dermatologist, treats acne, rosacea, scars, moles, skin tumors, skin tags, eczema, psoriasis, and itchy skin for all age groups. Clinica London's team comprises specialists in glaucoma, pediatric and neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastic, corneal, refractive and cataract surgery, inherited retinal, and medical retinal treatments. Mr. Jaheed Khan specializes in elderly patients with age-related macular degeneration and diabetic eye disease.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Acne Treatment in London

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top acne treatment in london

  • How to treat acne on the face?

    Treatment should start with a consistent skincare routine using gentle cleansers and non-comedogenic products. Topical treatments are often the first step, followed by prescription medications if necessary.

  • What is the most popular acne treatment?

    Over-the-counter topical treatments are the most commonly used. In more severe cases, prescription medications, laser treatments, or hormonal therapies are popular.

  • Can acne treatment make acne worse?

    Initially, some treatments might cause a flare-up, known as purging, as the skin adjusts. If it continues to worsen constantly, you should discuss it with a dermatologist.

  • When acne itches is it healing?

    Itchy acne may result from irritation, dryness, or treatment reactions, but it’s not always a sign of healing. Persistent itching should be monitored by a dermatologist.

  • Does acne go away on its own?

    Mild acne can improve on its own, especially in teens as they age. However, more severe forms may persist without treatment and can lead to scarring if left untreated.

Explore Top Acne Treatment in London