The Journey of Chess House: A Vision Realized
In October 2017, Yash and Shiv took on a monumental task by acquiring Chess House Dental Practice. This endeavor, akin to nurturing their firstborn, was a venture they poured their hearts and souls into. Initially, it seemed like an immense challenge, yet the outpouring of love and support from the Chesham community was nothing short of overwhelming.
Over the past four years, Yash and Shiv have worked tirelessly to manifest their vision for Chess House. Patients have borne witness to the remarkable transformation the practice has undergone. In the pivotal year of 2021, they saw one of their grandest dreams materialize: the expansion of Chess House from a 4-surgery to a 7-surgery multidisciplinary practice, offering a comprehensive range of treatments all under one roof.
The evolution of the practice extends beyond the mere addition of surgeries. Today, Chess House boasts state-of-the-art technology, including intraoral cameras, scanners, digital smile design, and microscopes, enabling our dentists to provide the highest quality of advanced dental care. The extended Chess House family now encompasses 9 dentists, 2 visiting specialists, 6 dental nurses, 2 receptionists, and 1 treatment coordinator, all led by a dedicated practice manager. Despite the growth, the essence of the practice remains unchanged: delivering the highest standard of care and ensuring every patient feels at home in their dental journey.