Born in Adana in 1971, Dr. Can Alper Cagici completed his primary and high school education in the same city. He pursued his medical studies at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and graduated in 1996. After graduation, Dr. Cagici joined the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara, Turkey, where he completed his residency in June 2001. For 18 years, he served as an otorhinolaryngologist at Baskent University Adana Teaching and Medical Research Center. In 2017, he was honored with the title of "Professor of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery". Since 2019, he has been practicing in his private clinic. Dr. Cagici is married and has two sons.
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Mimi Antar
31 December, 2022
Ömer Özdemir
01 March, 2022
Gelnar Tarsuslugil
31 January, 2022
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About Us
Dr. Can Alper Cagici, who was born in Adana in 1971, received his primary and high school education in the same city. He attended Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, where he obtained his medical degree in 1996. Following graduation, he completed his residency in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery at Hacettepe University Medical School in Ankara, Turkey, in June 2001. For 18 years, he served as an otorhinolaryngologist at Baskent University Adana Teaching and Medical Research Center. In 2017, he earned the title of "Professor of Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery". Dr. Cagici has been practicing at his private clinic since 2019. He is married and has two sons.
Kurtuluş Mahallesi Ramazanoğlu Caddesi No:6 İş Apartmanı, Kurtuluş, D:Kat:2 No:8, 01130 Seyhan/Adana, Türkiye
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