Dr. İlker Manavbaşı specializes in aesthetic nose surgeries, breast prostheses, deep layer facelifts, eye rejuvenation, and mega-liposuction. He aims to achieve ideal nose shapes in a single surgery and has developed innovative techniques for this purpose. Dr. Manavbaşı is fluent in English and is a member of various medical associations.
Dr. İlker's ideal is to achieve the perfect nose shape in a single surgery and to address the fundamental problems encountered in nose surgeries. He presented two of the techniques he developed for this purpose at the International Symposium on Plastic Surgery in Italy in 2008. These techniques, which prevent nose collapses and ensure permanent correction of crooked noses in a single session, were published in some of the world's leading aesthetic surgery journals in 2010 and 2011. He is currently working on other techniques he developed to apply computer-generated nose simulations to the patient's nose during surgery.