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Explore Top Orthopaedics in Utrecht

Orthopaedics is a medical specialty that focuses on the skeletal system and muscles. Orthopaedic surgeons specialize in diagnosing, treating, and managing disorders of the bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Their expertise ensures patients receive personalized care for optimal recovery and enhanced quality of life.

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    Netherlands, Utrecht

    Xpert Clinics

    Xpert Clinics specializes in the expert treatment of orthopedic conditions, ensuring high-quality care with short waiting times across 17 locations. Our experienced specialists provide advanced procedures, including knee prosthesis, total hip replacement, hip and knee joint laparoscopy, anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction, meniscus suturing or removal, microfracture surgery, ankle ligament surgery, big toe position correction, and ankle laparoscopy. With state-of-the-art medical technology and a patient-centered approach, we focus on restoring mobility and improving quality of life. Get expert orthopedic care quickly and efficiently at Xpert Clinics. Book your appointment today for fast and effective treatment!

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Orthopaedics in Utrecht

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top orthopaedics in utrecht

  • Why do people need orthopaedic care?

    People need orthopedic care for injuries, conditions, sports injuries, aging, and more.  Orthopaedic treatments can also relieve pain. 

  • What is the most common orthopaedic procedure?

    The most common orthopaedic procedure is knee replacement surgery. Other common ones include hip replacements, arthroscopy, fracture repair, and spinal surgeries.

  • Is orthopaedic surgery painful?

    Yes, orthopedic surgery can be painful. Modern techniques and pain management help, but discomfort is common.

  • How do you know if it's a sprain or a fracture?

    A fracture causes sharp pain, swelling, bruising, deformity, and difficulty moving, while a sprain has milder pain, swelling, and joint instability. An X-ray or MRI is needed for accurate diagnosis.

  • Can orthopaedic conditions be prevented?

    Yes, you can prevent many orthopedic conditions by maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, eating well, protecting joints, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol.

Explore Top Orthopaedics in Utrecht