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Explore Top MRI - (Neurology)

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses a powerful magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the body's internal structures.

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    Yucelen Hospital Group, established in 1996, is committed to providing exceptional healthcare services through accomplished, experienced, and distinguished medical professionals utilizing state-of-the-art technology. Our imaging unit operates with the latest technology, and we are available 24/7 to serve our patients. We are located in Mugla-Ortaca-Marmaris and have a dialysis center in Ortaca and a clinic in Icmeler/Marmaris known as Yuceline Clinic. Our services include heart surgeries, physical therapy, ophthalmology, and nuclear medicine. Our ophthalmology unit offers a non-invasive exam, retina tomography, and cataract surgery, among others. The nuclear medicine unit provides thyroid scintigraphy and parathyroid evaluation. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of care to our patients.

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    The Mohandai Oswal Hospital that we see today was once a vision and dream of Late Shri Lala Vidya Sagar Ji Oswal and the Oswal family. Smt. Mohandai Oswal, the wife of Late Lala Vidya Sagar Oswal, fought bravely against cancer but succumbed to the disease in 1974. However, her battle with the disease and the desire to help other patients suffering from cancer and chronic illnesses ignited a passion within the Oswal family to turn their resolve and dream into a reality. Consequently, in 1984, Mohandai Oswal Cancer Hospital was established as a manifestation of their mission and dream.

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    Ozel Mardin Park Hospital, Mardin's first private hospital established in 2009, offers comprehensive neurology services with a focus on MRI diagnostics, brain tumors, and other neurological conditions. The hospital specializes in early detection and treatment of brain disorders, providing expert care for patients with brain tumors, neurological diseases, and other complex conditions. With advanced medical technologies and state-of-the-art imaging, including MRI, the hospital ensures precise diagnosis and effective treatment plans. Ozel Mardin Park continues to lead in healthcare, raising the standard of neurological care in the region.

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    Turkey, İstanbul

    Duygu Hospital

    Our hospital provides services with specialist doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, technicians, support staff, and administrative personnel. We offer services in a total of 24 outpatient clinics, including Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology, Urology, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Dermatology, Neurology and Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Radiology, Cardiology, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation, Pulmonology, and Plastic Surgery. We also have an operating room, delivery room, inpatient wards, adult intensive care unit, and neonatal intensive care unit to provide comprehensive health services to our patients. Additionally, we continue to work on adding new specialties to our institution to provide our patients with more extensive healthcare options.

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    Greece, Athens


    OUR VISION:To be a strong and leading entity in the healthcare industry, always focused on people and their needs, with advanced hospital infrastructure, cutting-edge technology, and pioneering medical practices.OUR MISSION:Our mission is to provide personalized healthcare services of quality to each patient in primary and secondary healthcare services.OUR VALUES:The values that govern the operation of Errikos Dunan Hospital Center and constitute the essence of our philosophy are:Respect: We respect the needs of patients, their families, our employees, and our partners.Quality: We ensure quality in the provision of medical, nursing, and administrative services.Knowledge: We invest in innovation and knowledge through continuous education and specialization.Honesty: We approach our relationships with patients, staff, and partners with honesty, integrity, and a strong sense of responsibility.

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    Thailand, Bangkok

    Sikarin Hospital

    Sikarin Hospital is a top Thai medical center located in Bangkok. The hospital is oriented to serve international patients. The level of service is one of the best in the capital.Plastic surgery, orthopedics, gastroenterology, heart surgery are the major Sikarin specialties. Patients from Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, and Asia come here for treatment.

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Explore Top MRI - (Neurology)