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Explore Top Laser Gum Surgery in Ankara

Laser gum surgery is a game-changer for people struggling with gum disease or receding gums. This advanced, minimally invasive procedure offers a faster, more comfortable way to restore gum health. Whether you're dealing with gum infections or looking to improve your smile, laser gum surgery provides a cutting-edge solution with long-lasting benefits.

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    Anatolian Health Hub offers premier medical care combined with the warmth of Turkish hospitality, providing personalized health services designed to meet all your healthcare needs. Our 360⁰ approach to health ensures that every patient receives comprehensive care, from dental services to specialized treatments. We offer a wide range of dental services, including teeth whitening, veneers, dental implants, crowns, and restorative dentistry. Our expertise also covers braces, Hollywood smile transformations, dentures, gum surgery, and treatments for a gummy smile. With our exclusive healthcare offerings, you can expect top-quality care tailored to your needs.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Laser Gum Surgery in Ankara

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top laser gum surgery in ankara

  • How long does laser gum surgery take to heal?

    Healing from laser gum surgery typically takes one to two weeks, with most discomfort subsiding within a few days. Full tissue regeneration may take a few months, but patients can resume normal activities almost immediately.

  • How long after laser gum surgery can I eat?

    You can eat soft foods a few hours after laser gum surgery, but it's best to avoid hard, spicy, or crunchy foods for 3-7 days to allow proper healing.

  • When can I brush my teeth after laser gum surgery?

    You can gently brush your teeth the next day after laser gum surgery, avoiding the treated areas for the first 3-5 days. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and follow your dentist’s instructions for proper care.

  • How long does laser gum surgery take?

    Laser gum surgery typically takes 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the severity of the condition and the number of areas being treated.

  • Can I drink alcohol after laser gum surgery?

    It's best to avoid alcohol for at least 48-72 hours after laser gum surgery to prevent irritation and ensure proper healing.

Explore Top Laser Gum Surgery in Ankara