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Explore Top Clinics in İstanbul for Extractions

Extractions, in the context of dentistry, refer to the removal of teeth from their sockets in the jawbone. Tooth extractions are common dental procedures performed for various reasons, such as severe tooth decay, advanced gum disease, tooth infection, overcrowding, or impacted wisdom teeth.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Clinics in İstanbul for Extractions

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top clinics in i̇stanbul for extractions

  • How long after dental extraction can I eat?

    Experts generally recommend to wait at least 24 hours before eating solid food. Stick to soft foods and liquids immediately after the extraction.  

  • How long does dental extraction take?

    A simple extraction can take as little as 20-40 minutes, while a surgical extraction might take longer. It depends on the complexity.  

  • What are the main steps for dental extraction aftercare?

    Aftercare includes applying gauze for bleeding, avoiding rinsing, using cold compresses for swelling, eating soft foods, and gently brushing around the site while avoiding smoking or straws.

  • How long tooth extraction heal?

    Typical dental extraction recovery time is around 1-2 weeks, depending on the complexity of the extraction and individual healing factors.

  • Will dentist extract infected tooth?

    Yes, dentists can extract infected teeth, but they often use antibiotics first to reduce infection before extraction. In severe cases, immediate extraction may be needed to stop the infection from spreading.

Explore Top Clinics in İstanbul for Extractions