Providing the full range of urological, uro-gynaecological and andrological treatment - surgical and pharmacological.
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Sanus Sanatorium reviews & ratings
out of 5. Based on 5 review
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United States
My partner and I had an IVF treatment with donor eggs at this clinic. We’ve been through IVF before so we kind of knew what we were looking for. I’d read the reviews for Sanus and the location suited us just fine, too. We were given an accurate price at the consultation and the treatment was a success! We’re pregnant now.
The clinic offered superb service. They transported us from the airport to the appointment and even arranged a hotel close by. The place was clean and the staff was efficient. We didn’t return for follow-ups; there were just a few phone calls regarding medication. Considering we got exactly what we wanted, it was a terrific deal.
Kidney Removal
14 May, 2018
United Kingdom
This was our 2nd try with a donor embryo. Our first try did not work, hut second time lucky and we now have an amazing 14 week old daughter. Dr Silhan was the best Dr we had spoken to in our IVF search by far and the staff their are sweet. Sanus made our dreams come true.
Foley Catheter
28 February, 2013
United Kingdom
Extremely pleased with the treatment - now expecting our first child at the end of January, 2011.
Sanus Clinic and in particular, Dr Vaclav Silhan, explained each individual step, clearly and concisely.
The treatment was done in a very relaxed, confident and comfortable manner.
Foley Catheter
01 December, 2010
Sanus Sanatorium Treatments & Price

Kidney Removal
Price on request

Foley Catheter
Price on request

Price on request

Price on request

Price on request
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About Us
SANUS Sanatorium is a contemporary privately owned medical facility with a rich history dating back to 1995 in Hradec Králové. Along with SANUS Hradec Králové, we also manage two other assisted reproduction centers in Pardubice and Jihlava, operating under the SANUS brand.
Labská kotlina 1220/69, 500 02 Hradec Králové, Czechia
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