I am Spanish and last May I had the opportunity to be operated on by Op. Dr. Giray Genç.
For months I looked for a good surgeon and finally found him. In my case there were two surgeries at the same time, breast lift and arm lift.
When I met the doctor, he listened to every doubt, concern and question that I had, since I didn't know very well if I wanted a breast reduction or just a breast lift, he listened to me and I was finally able to decide with his advice.
The operation lasted approximately 5 hours. During the intervention the doctor found some cysts on my breasts that he took advantage of to remove, he sent them to the laboratory for analysis and everything went well. After a couple of weeks I had the pathology results.
The stitches after 5 weeks are going very well, he usually makes very fine sutures so that the scar is as less visible as possible, for now they are on the right track.
After returning to my country I was able to talk to the doctor to follow up on the surgery