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You can view the patients gallery, expert staff, and clinic photos of the categories in which $Üsküdar Hospital Türk specializes

Cataract Surgery
Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a procedure that is used to remove a cloudy lens in the eye, known as a cataract, and replace it with an artificial lens.

The Comprehensive Guide to LASIK
The Comprehensive Guide to LASIK

Are you tired of the daily struggle with glasses and fumbling to find them every morning? Picture this: waking up to a world seen in crystal-clear detail without reaching for your specs. LASIK surgery, the groundbreaking laser eye treatment, offers the chance to say goodbye to glasses and contacts once and for all.

Eye Specialist Consultation
Eye Specialist Consultation

Eye specialist consultation, also known as ophthalmology consultation, is an appointment with an eye doctor to diagnose and treat various eye conditions.

A Guide to Cataract Surgery
A Guide to Cataract Surgery

This text describes cataracts as a condition that gradually dims and clouds vision, likening it to watching a faded movie. It highlights age, sun damage, and health conditions as risk factors while encouraging learning about signs and prevention to maintain clear vision.

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