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Custom-Made Dental Crowns for Effective Tooth Restoration
Custom-Made Dental Crowns for Effective Tooth Restoration

A dental crown is a type of dental restoration that covers the entire visible surface of a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring its shape, size, and strength.

The 7 Different Types of Dental Crowns
The 7 Different Types of Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns, also known as tooth caps, are tooth-shaped coverings. They fit over a damaged or weakened tooth to restore its function and appearance.

A Guide to Dental Veneers
A Guide to Dental Veneers

This text highlights dental veneers as a cosmetic solution for enhancing smiles by covering imperfections like chips, cracks, and discoloration. It portrays veneers as a confidence-boosting tool, promising a comprehensive guide on the topic.

How Long Does All-on-4 Implant Treatment Last?
How Long Does All-on-4 Implant Treatment Last?

Discover the longevity of All-on-4 implant treatment.

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