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Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Revisional Bariatric Surgery

Revisional bariatric surgery is a secondary procedure performed on patients who have undergone a previous weight loss surgery but have not achieved their desired results

Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery

This text introduces gastric bypass surgery as a significant intervention for obesity, offering a new perspective on food and a chance to overcome related health issues and social challenges. It questions the procedure's efficacy as a cure-all and invites readers to explore its complexities and long-term implications for health and lifestyle transformation.

Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day
Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day

On April 7th each year, the world comes together to observe World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) leads a global initiative to spotlight critical health issues. This year, as we mark the day, the focus is on the urgent need to address the global burden of obesity.

Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?
Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?

Starting the bariatric surgery journey means embracing change and expecting some scars. These post- bariatric surgery scars, like souvenirs, share the unique story of your impressive weight loss journey.

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