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The Complete Guide to Gastric Balloon
The Complete Guide to Gastric Balloon

Enter the rising star in the world of weight loss: gastric balloons. Are you looking to shed those extra pounds without going under the knife? These innovative devices offer a non-surgical solution to obesity, promising effective results without the risks associated with traditional surgery.

Most Popular Medical Travel Destination: Turkey
Most Popular Medical Travel Destination: Turkey

Discover why Turkey is a top choice for medical tourism

Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day
Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day

On April 7th each year, the world comes together to observe World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) leads a global initiative to spotlight critical health issues. This year, as we mark the day, the focus is on the urgent need to address the global burden of obesity.

Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass is a weight loss surgery that involves altering the digestive system to restrict food intake and reduce calorie absorption

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