Impladent Albania, established in 2009 and located in the heart of Tirana, is a renowned dental clinic offering a wide range of specialized services. Our expertise includes Implantology, Oral Surgery, Prosthetics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Conservative Therapy, and Dental Aesthetics.
One of our key strengths is our commitment to quality, ensuring that every patient receives the best care possible. We use only the highest quality materials and provide guarantees on all our services. Additionally, we offer free stays and 24-hour support in Italian for our patients coming from Italy.
Our services are designed to address a variety of dental needs. Implantology provides permanent solutions for chewing rehabilitation and aesthetic enhancement. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on correcting smile defects and imperfections. Orthodontics addresses abnormal dental positions that can affect facial aesthetics and functions. Periodontology offers effective treatments for infected tissues, promoting healing and oral health.
Prosthetic dentistry provides fixed or removable prostheses to restore oral functions and enhance well-being. Endodontics is available for treating inflamed or infected soft tissues inside teeth.
At Impladent Albania, we prioritize patient safety and comfort. Our practice and living quarters undergo rigorous sterilization and disinfection processes to ensure a clean and safe environment for all.