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Explore Top Sleep Apnea in İstanbul

Sleep apnea, a silent thief of restful sleep, is a serious health condition affecting millions worldwide. More than just a nuisance, it can lead to a host of problems, from heart disease and stroke to cognitive impairment and depression.

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    Turkey, İstanbul

    Dr. Mithat Topal

    Op. Dr. Mithat Topal is a renowned ENT specialist with extensive expertise in aesthetic and functional nasal surgery, facial aesthetics, and head and neck surgery. With thousands of successful operations, he is a trusted name in rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty, providing tailored solutions for both cosmetic and functional needs. Dr. Topal also specializes in treating sleep apnea, offering advanced techniques to improve breathing and overall health. His commitment to excellence ensures natural results and patient satisfaction. Whether enhancing facial harmony or addressing complex nasal conditions, Dr. Topal combines skill, precision, and innovation to deliver outstanding outcomes. Discover expert care for all your facial aesthetic and functional needs with Op. Dr. Mithat Topal.

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FAQ ABOUT Explore Top Sleep Apnea in İstanbul

Browse frequently asked questions about explore top sleep apnea in i̇stanbul

  • How do I know if I have sleep apnea?

    If you snore loudly, gasp for air during sleep, feel tired during the day, or have morning headaches, you might have sleep apnea. Consult a doctor for a sleep study.

  • Is CPAP the only treatment for sleep apnea?

    CPAP is a common and effective treatment for moderate to severe sleep apnea, but other options include lifestyle changes, oral appliances, positional therapy, and surgery, depending on severity.

  • Can sleep apnea be cured with surgery?

    Surgery can improve sleep apnea caused by physical obstructions but may not cure it completely. CPAP or other treatments may still be needed.

  • Can sleep apnea go away on its own?

    Sleep apnea is a chronic condition that typically does not go away on its own. In some cases, lifestyle changes such as significant weight loss can relieve symptoms. But it's important to continue monitoring and treating the condition under the guidance of a healthcare professional.


  • Can children have sleep apnea, and how is it treated?

    Yes, children can have sleep apnea, often caused by enlarged tonsils or adenoids. Treatment may include removing the tonsils and adenoids, lifestyle changes, or CPAP therapy in more severe cases.

Explore Top Sleep Apnea in İstanbul