MYK Clinic - Dr. Metin Yüksel Kerimoğlu - Cover Photo
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MYK Clinic - Dr. Metin Yüksel Kerimoğlu - Staff & Patient Gallery

You can view the patients gallery, expert staff, and clinic photos of the categories in which $MYK Clinic - Dr. Metin Yüksel Kerimoğlu specializes

Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass

Gastric Bypass is a weight loss surgery that involves altering the digestive system to restrict food intake and reduce calorie absorption

A Guide to Revisional Bariatric Surgery
A Guide to Revisional Bariatric Surgery

Revisional bariatric surgery, a procedure to adjust previous weight loss surgeries, can be a powerful tool in achieving your health goals. This guide will provide a thorough overview of its purpose, procedures, and path to success. If you're ready to take charge of your weight and health, let's get started!

The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery
The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Struggling with obesity and traditional weight loss methods falling short? Gastric sleeve surgery might be the breakthrough you need.

Revisional Bariatric Surgery
Revisional Bariatric Surgery

Revisional bariatric surgery is a secondary procedure performed on patients who have undergone a previous weight loss surgery but have not achieved their desired results

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