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You can view the patients gallery, expert staff, and clinic photos of the categories in which $MD. Tufan Ergenc specializes

Experience Effortless Weight Loss with the Gastric Balloon
Experience Effortless Weight Loss with the Gastric Balloon

Gastric Balloon is a weight loss procedure that involves inserting a balloon into the stomach to help individuals feel full faster, ultimately leading to weight loss

Bariatric Surgery Consultation
Bariatric Surgery Consultation

A successful bariatric surgery consultation is an important step in the weight loss journey

The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery
The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Struggling with obesity and traditional weight loss methods falling short? Gastric sleeve surgery might be the breakthrough you need.

Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?
Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?

Starting the bariatric surgery journey means embracing change and expecting some scars. These post- bariatric surgery scars, like souvenirs, share the unique story of your impressive weight loss journey.

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