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You can view the patients gallery, expert staff, and clinic photos of the categories in which $MD. Murat Diyarbakırlıoğlu specializes

Abdominal Etching: Procedure, Cost, Recovery, and More
Abdominal Etching: Procedure, Cost, Recovery, and More

Abdominal etching, six-pack liposculpture, is a surgery. This means your belly looks more toned after removing fat and defining your muscles.

BBL - Brazillian Butt Lift
BBL - Brazillian Butt Lift

Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is a cosmetic procedure that uses your own fat to enhance the size and shape of your buttocks for a more curvaceous figure - contact a qualified plastic surgeon today to learn more and achieve your desired results!

How Technology is Enhancing Brazilian Butt Lift Outcomes
How Technology is Enhancing Brazilian Butt Lift Outcomes

The Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world. It involves transferring fat from other areas of the body to the buttocks, creating a fuller, more curvaceous shape


Restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance with a facelift – schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon today!

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