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Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery

This text introduces gastric bypass surgery as a significant intervention for obesity, offering a new perspective on food and a chance to overcome related health issues and social challenges. It questions the procedure's efficacy as a cure-all and invites readers to explore its complexities and long-term implications for health and lifestyle transformation.

Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric Sleeve

While both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass fall under the umbrella of bariatric surgery, their specifics differ significantly.

Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day
Healthier World: Beat Obesity on World Health Day

On April 7th each year, the world comes together to observe World Health Day. The World Health Organization (WHO) leads a global initiative to spotlight critical health issues. This year, as we mark the day, the focus is on the urgent need to address the global burden of obesity.

Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?
Will I Have Scars After Bariatric Surgery?

Starting the bariatric surgery journey means embracing change and expecting some scars. These post- bariatric surgery scars, like souvenirs, share the unique story of your impressive weight loss journey.

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