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Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Bypass vs. Gastric Sleeve

While both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass fall under the umbrella of bariatric surgery, their specifics differ significantly.

The Complete Guide to Gastric Balloon
The Complete Guide to Gastric Balloon

Enter the rising star in the world of weight loss: gastric balloons. Are you looking to shed those extra pounds without going under the knife? These innovative devices offer a non-surgical solution to obesity, promising effective results without the risks associated with traditional surgery.

Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery
Guide to Gastric Bypass Surgery

This text introduces gastric bypass surgery as a significant intervention for obesity, offering a new perspective on food and a chance to overcome related health issues and social challenges. It questions the procedure's efficacy as a cure-all and invites readers to explore its complexities and long-term implications for health and lifestyle transformation.

Frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve surgery?
Frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve surgery?

Get answers to common questions about gastric sleeve surgery in this quick guide. Learn about age limits, eating changes, fizzy drink concerns, weight management, recovery time, and more. Make informed decisions about this impactful weight loss option

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