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Gastric Sleeve
Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, is a weight loss surgery that reduces the size of the stomach, leading to a decrease in food intake and weight loss

Frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve surgery?
Frequently asked questions about gastric sleeve surgery?

Get answers to common questions about gastric sleeve surgery in this quick guide. Learn about age limits, eating changes, fizzy drink concerns, weight management, recovery time, and more. Make informed decisions about this impactful weight loss option

Gastric Band
Gastric Band

Gastric band, also known as Lap Band, is a type of bariatric surgery that involves the placement of an adjustable silicone band around the upper part of the stomach

The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery
The Complete Guide to Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Struggling with obesity and traditional weight loss methods falling short? Gastric sleeve surgery might be the breakthrough you need.

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