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You can view the patients gallery, expert staff, and clinic photos of the categories in which $Dr. Giorgos Skouras specializes

What is Eyelid Surgery?
What is Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can help improve the appearance of droopy eyelids and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes - schedule a consultation with our experienced surgeons today to achieve a more youthful and refreshed look.


Restore a more youthful, refreshed appearance with a facelift – schedule a consultation with a qualified plastic surgeon today!

How Common is Breast Implant Revision Surgery?
How Common is Breast Implant Revision Surgery?

Breast implant revision is a surgery that corrects or enhances the look or feel of breast implants. These concerns might occur from a previous operation.

The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tuck Surgery: Achieve a Slimmer Waistline
The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tuck Surgery: Achieve a Slimmer Waistline

Are you tired of struggling with excess belly fat and dreaming of a slimmer waistline? Look no further! The Ultimate Guide to Tummy Tuck Surgery is here to help you achieve the body of your dreams.

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