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Carpal Tunnel Surgery: How It Works and Recovery Time
Carpal Tunnel Surgery: How It Works and Recovery Time

Does the thought of typing send shivers down your spine? Are your mornings greeted by a hand that feels like a numb claw? If so, you might be a candidate for carpal tunnel surgery. This procedure can be a game-changer for those struggling with wrist pain and nerve compression.

Bunion Surgery
Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery, also known as bunionectomy, is a surgical procedure used to correct the deformity caused by a bunion, a bony bump that forms on the joint at the base of the big toe.

Club Foot Repair
Club Foot Repair

Club foot is a congenital condition that results in the foot being turned inward and downward.

Ankle Fusion (Arthrodesis) Surgery Procedure & Recovery
Ankle Fusion (Arthrodesis) Surgery Procedure & Recovery

Struggling with chronic ankle pain due to arthritis? An ankle fusion surgery might be the key to getting back on your feet pain-free. But it's not just about the surgery itself! You'll also learn everything you need to know about recovery, from navigating those first few weeks in a cast to physical therapy that will get you walking with confidence again.

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